Mark Andrew Turner is currently working on a project aimed at giving free professional photography to charities. The aim of the project is to highlight the work of charities through strong imagery. The project will be shot in a documentary style, focusing on the service users that ultimately benefit from each individual charity's work. Each charity will be provided with images that they can use for their fund raising campaigns, service leaflets and other projects, at no cost.
What does Mark Andrew Turner Photography get out of this? Essentially, nothing. Photography is our passion. As a refreshing change from the current financial pressures that the population finds itself in both in the UK and abroad, we would like to give something back, something that matters. Of course, we would like credit for the images if they are used, but that's the extent of the benefits that Mark Andrew Turner Photography will receive.
What will Mark Andrew Turner Photography use the photographs for? As well as donating the images to each individual charity, they will also be displayed on the Mark Andrew Turner Photography website. The photographs will not be used for any other purpose.
What type of charities is the project aimed at? The focus of the project is on charities that provide support or caring to people on any level. The project is also open to animal welfare and environmental charities. Children's charities please note, parental consent will be required to photograph anyone under the age of 16. Strict guidelines will be adhered to in this instance.
As well as offering free documentary style photography to charities, Mark Andrew Turner will also be running landscape photography workshops and tours through 2012 where a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a chosen charity.
The Charities Project will be running throughout 2012. To take advantage of this fantastic opportunity for your charity, or to discuss it further, please email or telephone 07720 016026.
Photography is an extremely powerful method of communication. One image has the capability of conveying a message that would take a thousand words........